KKK-Sympathizing Racist Pardons Disgraced Birther

By issuing a presidential pardon for convicted criminal, disgraced sheriff, and all-around-birther Joe Arpaio, Donald Trumptonight made a complete and total fool of anyone who believed the lying KKK-apologist in the White House’s recent claimed conviction that “there is no room for prejudice, no place for bigotry, and no tolerance for hate” in the United States.

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Trump’s Arpaio pardon:

“Donald Trump is abusing the power of the presidency to endorse bigotry, racism, and fascism. Arpaio’s pardon is just the latest example. It’s horrifying and utterly disqualifying that Trump continues to coddle Neo-Nazis, hire white nationalists, and inspire repugnant anti-American hatred among far-right racists across the country. The public isn’t going to stand for this, and the Republican Party should expect to be held accountable.”