YG Network attempts to link Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC) to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, characterizing both of them as “the Washington liberals,” but the attack falls short on the facts. The “failed stimulus” created jobs, cut taxes, and protected the economy from a deeper recession. Meanwhile, the group suggests that McIntrye’s support of Pelosi as House Speaker led to the Affordable Care Act, even though he personally voted against the health care law. In fact, McIntyre has voted with his party 68 percent of the time in the current Congress, giving him the 11th most independent voting record of among representatives.
“Failed Stimulus” Created Jobs, Boosted GDP, And Cut Taxes
Recovery Act “Succeeded In…Protecting The Economy During The Worst Of The Recession.” From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 200,000 and 1.5 million jobs in March. In other words, between 200,000 and 1.5 million people employed in March owed their jobs to the Recovery Act. […] ARRA succeeded in its primary goal of protecting the economy during the worst of the recession. The CBO report finds that ARRA’s impact on jobs peaked in the third quarter of 2010, when up to 3.6 million people owed their jobs to the Recovery Act. Since then, the Act’s job impact has gradually declined as the economy recovers and certain provisions expire.” [CBPP.org, 5/29/12]
At Its Peak, Recovery Act Was Responsible For Up To 3.6 Million Jobs. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office:
CBO estimates that ARRAs [sic] policies had the following effects in the third quarter of calendar year 2010:
- They raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product by between 1.4 percent and 4.1 percent,
- Lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.8 percentage points and 2.0 percentage points,
- Increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million, and
- Increased the number of full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 2.0 million to 5.2 million compared with what would have occurred otherwise. (Increases in FTE jobs include shifts from part-time to full-time work or overtime and are thus generally larger than increases in the number of employed workers). [CBO.gov, 11/24/10]
Recovery Act Included $288 Billion In Tax Cuts. From PolitiFact: “Nearly a third of the cost of the stimulus, $288 billion, comes via tax breaks to individuals and businesses. The tax cuts include a refundable credit of up to $400 per individual and $800 for married couples; a temporary increase of the earned income tax credit for disadvantaged families; and an extension of a program that allows businesses to recover the costs of capital expenditures faster than usual. The tax cuts aren’t so much spending as money the government won’t get — so it can stay in the economy.” [PolitiFact.com, 2/17/10]
YG Action Misleads On McIntyre’s Role In Obamacare
The ad says that Rep. McIntyre is “a four-time supporter of Pelosi for Speaker, which led to Obamacare.”
McIntyre Did Not Support The Affordable Care Act. Rep. McIntyre voted “no” on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. [H.R. 3950, Vote #165, 3/21/10]
Rep. McIntyre’s Voting Record Is The 11th Most Independent In The Current Congress
Rep. McIntyre Votes Against His Party Almost One-Third Of The Time. According to the Washington Post’s U.S. Congress Votes Database, in the 112th Congress, Rep. McIntyre has voted with his own party 68 percent of the time, giving him the 11th most independent voting record in the House. [Washington Post’s U.S. Congress Votes Database, accessed 9/6/12]
[ANNOUNCER:] Meet the Washington liberals: Obama, Pelosi, and Congressman Mike McIntyre. A master of the sneak, McIntyre acts one way in North Carolina, but in Washington he stars on the liberal team. A four-time supporter of Pelosi for Speaker, which led to Obamacare. He carried the ball for the failed stimulus, now McIntyre says we’re better off with President Obama. We need to sack Mike McIntyre. Vote for young conservative star David Rouzer. He’s the man to do it. [YG Network via YouTube, 10/16/12]