D’Souza: President Obama Thinks “We Are The Evil Empire”

In an August 20 interview with Center for Security Policy president Frank Gaffney, anti-Obama author Dinesh D’Souza said:
Well, we normally thing we’re having a policy debate between liberals and conservatives who agree on about goals but disagree about means. And I think when you’re dealing with a Bill Clinton, for example, that is true. We all want a prosperous economy, we all want America to be a force for freedom in the world, we’d like America to stay number one as long as possible. See, I think Obama stands outside this consensus. And he does so, again, not because he’s a traitor but because he subscribes to a very radical Third World ideology that sees America as the rogue nation in the world. You’ll remember, Frank, as well as anyone else Reagan’s phrase “the evil empire,” referring to the Soviet Union. I think from Obama’s point of view, we are the evil empire, we are the one that needs to be contained. And this actually, once you put on these spectacles, you will see that pretty much everything Obama’s doing makes complete sense.
D’Souza is the president of Kings College, and a former scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution.
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