Heritage’s Feulner: Dems Want To Eliminate Independent Churches, Boy Scouts, And Little League

In a June 18 interview with CNSNews.com’s Terry Jeffrey, Heritage Foundation president Ed Feulner said:
Well, and one of the things right now, without getting involved in partisan politics, but one of the things that really concerns me is so many people here in Washington, whether it’s Pelosi and Harry Reid and the Congress, or, frankly, whether it’s this president, what they want to do is take all the intermediate institutions between the federal government on one side and the individual on the other side, just eliminate them. They think that — well, this cartoon feature that Obama’s put out on Julia, where Julia starts out with prenatal care in the womb and goes through Head Start and government-subsidized schools and government-subsidized college tuition all the way through her life, always depending on the government. They don’t want — they don’t want independent churches, they don’t want the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts, or the local little league to be out there. They want everything to be controlled by the government. And that’s not, that’s not what the American spirit’s really all about, Terry.