Judson Phillips: Dems Support System That Produces “Tyranny” And “Occasionally Mass Murder”

Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips made the following comments during a speech at Unity Rally 2012, on July 26 in Tampa Bay, FL:
That flame of freedom has stood as a beacon for the world. We have given the world hope. This nation has done more good, for more people, than any other nation in the world, and this is the nation that Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi want to diminish and destroy. Today, freedom and liberty stand in opposition to socialism. You know the primary products of the system that Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi love so well are poverty, tyranny, and occasionally mass murder. These are the fruits of socialism, and to the socialists we have simply one word: No! Friends, we are not going to go quietly into that dark night of socialist tyranny. We are not going to let that lamp of liberty be extinguished by those who believe in government of the elites, by the elites, and for the elites. We will not stand by while they have government of the cronies, by the cronies, and for the cronies. We are free Americans and we shall stay free! [via Right Wing Watch]