Tea Party Leader: “We Need To Kill” Progressives “Like The Cancer That They Are”

At a Freedomworks “Call to Action” Rally on September 15, 2012, Ohio Liberty Council President and Portage County Tea Party Executive Director Tom Zawistowski said:
ZAWISTOWSKI: So my question to you is, are they going to win this election? Are we going to win this election? Who’s going to win this election? We are! Who’s going to win this election? We are! About a week ago I sent out an email to all the patriot leaders in Ohio to give to their members. In that email I said that we all need to fight this war as if we’re the only ones in it. We need to fight this war in our hometown the best way we know how. Not to listen to anybody else, but to see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears and do the things we know that will win this election. And if we do that, I have no doubt that we’re not just going to win this election, we’re going to blow their doors off. And we’re going to reject— Our goal is to reject the progressive liberal statist agenda, and tell them they have no place in American society, and we need to kill them like the cancer that they are.