Crossroads GPS: “Basketball”

In an ad titled “Basketball,” Crossroads GPS portrays a working mother whose adult children are living at home because they “can’t find jobs to get their careers started.” The woman says that she now regrets voting for President Obama because, as her family’s struggles demonstrate, “things have changed for the worse” under his administration. Despite the ad’s softer tone, however, it relies on the usual distortions of Obama’s record on the economy, health care, and the debt.

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U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: “Claire McCaskill Means More Government And More Regulation”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce opens its attack on Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) by declaring, “Washington is standing in the way of job creation, and it’s getting worse.” That statement, of course, is blatantly false: The private sector has added 4.5 million jobs in the last 29 months, and Missouri’s unemployment rate has gone down. Making matters worse, the Chamber’s argument relies on McCaskill’s support for the Affordable Care Act, but the GOP claims that the health care law will “kill jobs” has been repeatedly debunked.

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Crossroads GPS: “Obama’s Promise”

An ad from Crossroads GPS features clips of President Obama describing his policies and accuses the president of breaking his promises to the American people. However, Crossroads’ attempt to use Obama’s words against him backfires, as the ad repeatedly misrepresents the facts about the president’s record.

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Citizens United: “Jesse Kelly Will Repeal Obamacare”

In an ad supporting Arizona Republican Jesse Kelly, who is running for the seat previously held by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), Citizens United makes several false claims about the Affordable Care Act. The ad misleads viewers about the health care law’s impact on seniors, the economy, and the deficit. Citizens United further praises Kelly for supporting a full repeal of the law, a step that would increase the deficit and have disastrous consequences for millions of Americans.

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American Future Fund: “Justice For Sale”

The American Future Fund (AFF) is deviating from the conservative line that President Obama wants to punish the rich with an ad accusing Obama of “protecting his Wall Street donors.” However, despite the ad’s suggestion that Obama is a tool of the big banks, Wall Street donors have flocked to the Republican Party in the wake of Democratic reform efforts. In this election cycle, no politician has benefitted from Wall Street’s largesse more than Mitt Romney, who has collected more than twice as much as the president from the financial sector.

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U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: “Wrong”

The the Chamber of Commerce – which has received millions from the insurance industry to oppose health care reform – attacks Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) for stating that the Affordable Care Act “pays for itself, actually reduces the deficit.” Instead, the Chamber claims, the law will add over $300 billion to federal debt. But the Chamber gets its figures from a dishonest study by a GOP operative who works for the Koch-funded Mercatus Center. The nonpartisan CBO, meanwhile, has affirmed that overall the health care law reduces the deficit by more than $200 billion over the next decade.

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American Future Fund: “Better Off”

An ad from the secretive American Future Fund (AFF) makes a series of claims about the economy to argue that Americans are not “better off” under President Obama. But the ad the ignores the impact of the calamitous recession Obama inherited – as well as more than 4.5 million private-sector jobs over the last 29 months of growth – and cites misleading statistics to paint an inaccurate picture of Obama’s record.

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U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: “Congressman BIll Owens Supports Higher Taxes, More Job-Killing Regulations, And Obamacare”

In an ad attacking Rep. Bill Owens (D-NY) for supporting the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce takes a 2010 quote by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) out of context in order to suggest that Democrats hid the law’s contents from the American people. In fact, Pelosi said she was eager for Americans to learn more about the Affordable Care Act “away from the fog of the controversy” created in large part by Republican misinformation – such as the other false claims in the ad about Medicare “cuts” and “lost jobs.”

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U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: “Instead Of Voting For Free Enterprise, Kathy Hochul Supported Obamacare”

An ad from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce criticizes Rep. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) for supporting the Affordable Care Act, listing a series of negative things “we know about Obamacare.” Those bits of supposed knowledge, however, are badly misinformed. Despite the ad’s allegations, the health care law does not “kill jobs,” does not “cut” Medicare benefits, and lowers deficits by more than $200 billion over a decade. Unfortunately, such dishonest attacks have become standard for the Chamber, which took mountains of money from health insurers to fight against reform.

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U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: “When Ohio Needs Jobs, Senator Brown Turns His Back On The Interests Of Small Business”

In an ad attacking Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) for his support of the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce alleges that “Obamacare will cost taxpayers nearly $2 trillion, kill jobs, and could disrupt coverage for millions.” Those claims significantly distort the facts, and repealing the law, as the Chamber advocates, would cause millions of Americans to lose coverage. The Chamber’s dishonesty is predictable, however, given that the group has received massive donations from the insurance industry to fight against reform.

Read more after the jump.