A new ad from Americans for Prosperity stars a pediatrician who says that “Obamacare has me worried” about her ability to give patients the attention they need and the future of her practice. However, while the conservative group identifies Dr. Mary Ellen Gallagher as a “Family Doctor and Pediatrician,” the ad does not mention that she also has a history of attaching herself to Republican campaigns in Virginia, including Ken Cuccinelli’s bid for governor.
AFP Ad Features Doctor With Ties To McCain, Cuccinelli, And Susan B. Anthony List
In 2008, Dr. Gallagher Was A “Virginia Family Issues Leaders For McCain” Committee Member. According to a press release, “U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign today announced that a coalition of family issues leaders and activists from across the Commonwealth of Virginia have endorsed John McCain for president. This broad coalition includes more than 70 leaders and activists from the pro-life, pro-family and faith-based communities.” The press release listed “Dr. Mary Ellen Gallagher, Pro-life Physician, Arlington, VA” as a committee member.” [McCain Press Release, 2/12/08]
Dr. Gallagher Is A Member Of “Women For Ken” Group Supporting Ken Cuccinelli’s Gubernatorial Bid. According to the “Women For Ken” website, Dr. Mary Ellen Gallagher of Arlington, VA supports Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for governor. [WomenForKen.com, accessed 7/31/13]
- “Women For Ken” Is Sponsored By Women Speak Out PAC Affiliated With Susan B. Anthony List. The “Women For Ken” website is “Paid for by Women Speak Out – Virginia.” According to a Susan B. Anthony List press release, “Today the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced the launch of the Women Speak Out PAC, a super PAC aimed at amplifying the voices of women opposed to President Obama and his extreme abortion record.” [SBA List Press Release, 10/2/12]
Dr. Gallagher Reportedly Sponsored Cuccinelli Fundraiser Hosted By Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. According to a comment posted on the “Cuccinelli for Attorney General” group page at RPVNetwork.org, which describes itself as the “Grassroots Network of the Republican Party of Virginia,” Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser sent a fundraising email which said in part, “Thankfully, we have a solidly pro-life ticket in Virginia and a great champion in the Attorney General race, Ken Cuccinelli. While in the State Senate, Ken authored legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, passed a parental consent law, and he cast the tie-breaking vote to ban partial-birth abortion in Virginia. As Attorney General, he will have even more opportunities to lead on the pro-life issue. I hope that you will consider joining me and our stellar Host Committee to support Ken through our Sept. 16th party in Arlington, VA.” The email also listed “Paul Bothwell & Dr. Mary Ellen Gallagher” as “Sponsors” of the event. [RPVNetwork.org, comment posted 9/3/09]
[DR. MARY ELLEN GALLAGHER, FAMILY DOCTOR AND PEDIATRICIAN:] I’ve treated sick kids for 15 years. Obamacare has me worried. I’ve always put my patients first, taking time to really listen and get to know them. Now I wonder, can I still work with parents to decide what’s best for kids, or will the government be in the middle of things? Will my time be spent navigating a complicated system or helping people get well? What will happen to my patients if I have to close my practice? I think there are still a lot of questions. [Americans for Prosperity, 7/30/13]