Crossroads GPS: “Vision” IL-12

In an ad hitting congressional candidate Bill Enyart (D-IL), Crossroads GPS levels a series of falsehoods about the Affordable Care Act. Despite the ad’s claims, the health care law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ current benefits, it helps control rising costs, and it’s expected to expand insurance coverage – all without taking health care decisions away from individuals or raising taxes on most Americans.

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Congressional Leadership Fund: “Closer Look”

The Congressional Leadership Fund takes out a second ad against Texas congressional candidate Pete Gallego, attacking him for voting to raise taxes as a state legislator. But the bills the Congressional Leadership Fund cites to support its case include one to keep online companies like Amazon from skirting Texas’ sales tax rules, another to keep people from avoiding sales tax on car sales, and another that would have added just $5 to yearly motor vehicle registration fees to pay for the state’s underfunded trauma centers.

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60 Plus Association: “What Do Kirpatrick & Sinema Have In Common?”

The 60 Plus Association hits two House candidates, former Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick and Kyrsten Sinema, in an ad running in Arizona. The group accuses both candidates of favoring “higher taxes and spending,” citing their support for the Recovery Act. However, that bill not only helped rescue the economy from a deeper recession but also cut taxes for up to 95 percent of working Americans. 60 Plus also targets both candidates on health care, claiming that Kirkpatrick “voted to take $700 billion from Medicare” and “Sinema thought the law didn’t go far enough.” But Kirkpatrick’s opponent, Rep. Paul Gosar (R), supported the same Medicare savings as part of Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan, and Sinema’s alleged sin is supporting the extremely popular public insurance option.

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YG Network: “Washington Liberals”

YG Network attempts to link Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC) to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, characterizing both of them as “the Washington liberals,” but the attack falls short on the facts. The “failed stimulus” created jobs, cut taxes, and protected the economy from a deeper recession. Meanwhile, the group suggests that McIntrye’s support of Pelosi as House Speaker led to the Affordable Care Act, even though he personally voted against the health care law. In fact, McIntyre has voted with his party 68 percent of the time in the current Congress, giving him the 11th most independent voting record of among representatives.

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60 Plus Association: “Why Did We Fire Dan Maffei In 2010?”

The 60 Plus Association reminds voters of Dan Maffei’s support for the Recovery Act and health care reform prior to his defeat in the 2010 election. They also present those policies in a deeply misleading light, when the facts show the Recovery Act worked and the Affordable Care Act will save us money. As a kicker, 60 Plus attacks Maffei over Medicare spending reductions that his opponent, Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R), voted for twice when they were included in GOP budgets.

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Club for Growth Action: “Lobster”

The Club for Growth accuses Indiana Senate candidate Joe Donnelly (D) of supporting wasteful spending, citing a series of amendments to appropriations bills that would have banned spending on individual projects. But Donnelly’s vote against banning money for the projects was backed up by vast bipartisan majorities in the House. Furthermore, Donnelly has voted in favor of a balanced budget amendment, and it was Bush-era policies and the recession that drove up deficits, not earmarks.

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Americans for Tax Reform: “Energy Tax”

Americans for Tax Reform hits Kentucky Democrat Ben Chandler over his support for a 2009 cap-and-trade bill, claiming it violates the “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” Chandler signed, but the costs to families of the American Clean Energy and Security Act have been exaggerated by conservatives. The ad also clips a 2008 interview then-candidate Obama gave describing his position on a generic climate change bill, using it to suggest that Chandler voted for a scheme to kill coal, even though the bill he actually supported would have allowed for the construction of new coal-powered plants, provided they installed carbon capture technology.

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Crossroads GPS: “Fit For A King”

Crossroads GPS claims that Maine Senate candidate Angus King “managed to turn a $60 million budget surplus into a nearly $1 billion shortfall,” citing an op-ed by a former state budget official who calls that exact claim “a lie.” The headline of the piece the group cites as evidence is “Former State Budget Officer Explains, Defends King’s Fiscal Record.” As a bonus, the ad’s wording papers over the fact that King came into office facing a $150-300M budget shortfall and depleted rainy-day fund, and reversed both situations prior to the economic trauma of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

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Crossroads GPS: “Taxing Tammy”

Crossroads GPS accuses Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) of being “far left of Obama and Pelosi” and “too extreme for Washington,” citing her support for a budget proposal introduced by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The budget in question emphasized higher taxes for the wealthy, but also proposed to spend less than the president’s plan and would have eliminated the deficit faster than the GOP alternative introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan.

Read more after the jump.

Spirit Of Democracy: “Lois Capps: 14 Years”

Spirit of Democracy America released an ad attacking Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) for her tenure in Congress by asking: “What does America have to show for it?” To make its point, the ad derides her vote for the bipartisan bank bailout and her support for the Recovery Act without mentioning the economic conditions that made these actions necessary, or the possible depression that that was avoided because of them. After calling Capps an “extreme partisan” the ad cites a grade given to the congresswoman by the National Taxpayers Union, a conservative organization the San Francisco Chronicle called “the Grand-daddy of the tax revolt organizations.”

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