Americans for Tax Reform: “Charlie Wilson – Boxer”

Grover Norquist’s anti-tax organization, Americans for Tax Reform, released an ad blaming Rep. Charlie Wilson (D-OH) for the country’s spending and debt. The ad derides the bipartisan bank bailout, which helped avoid an economic depression, and the Recovery Act without mentioning the conditions that made both actions necessary. The ad’s emphasis on the debt is disingenuous given Norquist’s rigid “Taxpayer Protection Pledge,” which commits signers to oppose tax increases and undermines any balanced solution to the nation’s fiscal troubles.

Read more after the jump.

Americans for Tax Reform: “Wrong Prescription for Georgia”

Americans for Tax Reform attacks Rep. John Barrow (D-GA) over the Affordable Care Act, distorting the law’s impact and Barrow’s positions. The truth is that Barrow voted against the ACA when it passed in 2010, but he has also opposed GOP repeal efforts, citing the need to preserve several of the law’s most important and popular provisions. Indeed, repeal would have negative consequences for millions of Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions and young adults who are covered by their parents’ plans. Furthermore, the ACA does not raise taxes on most Americans, and it reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ benefits.

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Americans for Tax Reform: “Wrong Prescription for Colorado”

Americans for Tax Reform attacks congressional candidate Sal Pace (D-CO) for supporting the Affordable Care Act, relying on a series of distortions about the law’s impact. In reality, the ACA does not raise taxes on most Americans, and it actually reduces the burden on many middle-class families. Moreover, the law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ benefits – in fact, Pace’s opponent, Rep. Scott Tipton (R), voted to preserve the “cuts” as part of the House GOP budget – and the Senate-confirmed board responsible for finding additional savings is forbidden from cutting benefits or rationing care.

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Americans for Tax Reform: “Wrong Prescription for Pennsylvania”

Americans for Tax Reform attacks Rep. Mark Critz (D-PA) for opposing repeal of the Affordable Care Act, relying on a series of distortions about the law’s impact. In reality, the ACA does not raise taxes on most Americans, and it actually lessens the burden on many middle-class families. Moreover, the law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ benefits, and the Senate-confirmed board responsible for finding additional savings is forbidden from cutting benefits or rationing care. Repealing the health care law would have negative consequences for millions of Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions or young adults who are covered by their parents’ insurance plans.

Read more after the jump.

Americans for Tax Reform: “Wrong Prescription for California”

Americans for Tax Reform attacks congressional candidate Scott Peters (D-CA) for supporting the Affordable Care Act, relying on a series of distortions about the law’s impact. In reality, the ACA does not raise taxes on most Americans, and it actually reduces the burden on many middle-class families. Moreover, the law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ benefits – in fact, Peters’ opponent, Rep. Brian Bilbray (R), voted to preserve the “cuts” as part of the House GOP budget – and the Senate-confirmed board responsible for finding additional savings is forbidden from cutting benefits or rationing care.

Read more after the jump.

Crossroads GPS: “Vision” CA-21

In identical ads hitting congressional candidate John Hernandez (D-CA) and three other Democratic House candidates in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan, Crossroads GPS levels a series of falsehoods about the Affordable Care Act, which all four candidates support. Despite the ad’s claims, the health care law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ current benefits, it helps control rising costs, and it’s expected to expand insurance coverage – all without taking health care decisions away from individuals or raising taxes on most Americans.

Read more after the jump.

Crossroads GPS: “Vision” MI-01

In identical ads hitting congressional candidate Gary McDowell (D-MI) and three other Democratic House candidates in California, Illinois, and Indiana, Crossroads GPS levels a series of falsehoods about the Affordable Care Act, which all four candidates support. Despite the ad’s claims, the health care law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ current benefits, it helps control rising costs, and it’s expected to expand insurance coverage – all without taking health care decisions away from individuals or raising taxes on most Americans. What’s more, McDowell’s opponent voted to keep the $716 billion in savings GPS attacks the Democrats over.

Read more after the jump.

Crossroads GPS: “Vision” IL-17

In identical ads hitting congressional candidate Cheri Bustos (D-IL) and three other Democratic House candidates in California, Indiana, and Michigan, Crossroads GPS levels a series of falsehoods about the Affordable Care Act, which all four candidates support. Despite the ad’s claims, the health care law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ current benefits, it helps control rising costs, and it’s expected to expand insurance coverage – all without taking health care decisions away from individuals or raising taxes on most Americans. What’s more, Bustos’ opponent voted to keep the $716 billion in savings GPS attacks the Democrats over.

Read more after the jump.

Crossroads GPS: “Vision” IN-02

In identical ads hitting congressional candidate Brendan Mullen (D-IN) and three other Democratic House candidates in California, Illinois, and Michigan, Crossroads GPS levels a series of falsehoods about the Affordable Care Act, which all four candidates support. Despite the ad’s claims, the health care law reduces future Medicare spending without cutting seniors’ current benefits, it helps control rising costs, and it’s expected to expand insurance coverage – all without taking health care decisions away from individuals or raising taxes on most Americans.

Read more after the jump.