CBO Report: Preliminary Analysis of Legislation That Would Replace Subsidies for Health Care With Block Grants

“This nonpartisan analysis confirms what we already knew: this bill would be a disaster for millions of Americans,” said American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates. “Mitch McConnell should scrap his plans to move forward immediately and work in a bipartisan fashion to fix existing law – nothing else is acceptable.”

Key paragraphs from the CBO:

The number of people with comprehensive health insurance that covers high-cost medical events would be reduced by millions compared with the baseline projections for each year during the decade, CBO and JCT estimate.


CBO and JCT expect that, if this legislation was enacted, millions of additional people would be uninsured compared with CBO’s baseline projections each year over the 2018–2026 period. (Adopting a well-established definition, the agencies categorize people as uninsured if they are not covered by a policy or enrolled in a government program that provides financial protection from major medical risks.) That increase would stem mainly from lower enrollment in Medicaid and the nongroup market.


Nevertheless, with the modifications, coverage for people with preexisting conditions would be much more expensive in some of those states than under current law. (Without such modifications, as discussed in the previous section, coverage could become unavailable or more expensive for many more people than it would be under current law.)