Bridge Project’s Trump Accountability Projects Heads Down The Shore
As President Donald Trump heads to Bedminster for his 9th weekend vacation since taking office, Bridge Project will warn New Jersey beach goers of the steep price taxpayers are paying for his weekends away at Trump branded properties. A beach plane banner reading “TRUMP IS ON VACATION WITH YOUR $$ TRUMPECONOMY.COM” will fly from Long Beach Island north to Sandy Hook, New Jersey during prime beach going hours on Saturday, June 10th.
“Trump’s vacations are lining his own pockets but costing taxpayers millions of dollars. We’re exposing Trump’s self-serving scheme and making sure taxpayers know exactly how much Trump’s dysfunctional presidency is costing them,” said Bridge Project spokesperson Harrell Kirstein.
Trump spent one of every five days on vacation through his first several months in office, costing taxpayers millions. Local officials have estimated Trump’s trips to Bedminster will cost New Jersey taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, and Republican Congressman Leonard Lance asked the federal government for help to defray the massive costs. Meanwhile, Secret Service is paying Trump’s hotels and golf courses tens of thousands of dollars in rentals.

Small businesses near Trump’s vacations have been similarly afflicted. One small business owner near Mar-a-Lago warned, “When [the president’s] here for three days we lose at least $30,000. Our small businesses can’t survive, they’ll either shut down or leave.” has been collecting and tabulating WARN notifications and TAA petitions to track announced layoffs and plant closings and jobs hurt by foreign trade under President Trump.