With Donald Trump campaigning in Manchester this evening, Bridge Project is welcoming the president with a print ad in today’s edition of New Hampshire’s most widely circulated paper, the New Hampshire Union Leader, reminding residents that the president brazenly mocked the state – calling it “a drug-infested den.”

The print ad also directs readers to Bridge’s digital media site, American Ledger, which currently features an article detailing how the president has outright failed to take meaningful action to address the opioid crisis in New Hampshire.
Trump made the offensive remark in a January 2017 call with the President of Mexico claiming, “I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den.” Trump notably did not win New Hampshire in the 2016 election. His comments were widely rebuked across the state when they came to light in August 2017, after the Washington Post published a transcript of Trump’s call with the President of Mexico.
“New Hampshire families continue to combat a deadly serious epidemic in the opioid crisis, but instead of providing needed support, Donald Trump has offered them outright disdain,” said American Bridge spokesperson Jeb Fain. “As the president begs Granite Staters for votes today, we’re making sure his genuine contempt for them is front, center, and not forgotten.”