BREAKING: Republican Senator Admits Tax Plan Is Being Rushed To Avoid Scrutiny From The American People and Congress

American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement after Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) admitted on Fox News this morning that Republicans were trying to rush the Trump tax proposal – which was written behind closed doors with thousands of special interest lobbyists – through Congress in order to stop members and the public from raising concerns about its consequences:

“Its stunning that Republicans are so brazenly admitting to using a cynical ploy to avoid public scrutiny of the disastrous Trump-Republican tax plan.  They know exploding the deficit by $1 trillion and raising taxes on 87 million middle class families in order to cut taxes for the rich and corporations sells out hardworking people, so they are intentionally keeping them in the dark.”


DOOCY: What is your biggest concern?

MOORE CAPITO: Well, time is always a problem. I think the more time that goes, the more nitpicking and the more likelihood that one member or another may find a certain thing they don’t like. So I think we need to be compact here, we need to have a good conference, listen to ideas and move it forward as quickly as possible.”