Trump Administration tax “analysis” is built on a giant lie

Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation, joined by many other nonpartisan and even Republican experts, has estimated that the Trump-Republican tax plan could not pay for itself, and that it would significantly increase the U.S. budget deficit.

Now, after suspicious delays and repeated promises from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury Department has released a one-page “analysis” that concludes this deficit-busting tax proposal might pay for itself if not yet written plans for “regulatory reform, infrastructure development, and welfare reform” were also later implemented.

“This is a joke​.​  ​I​t’s like saying, ‘I could fly if I could grow wings,​’​” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah. “The fact that the Trump Administration had to doctor a study with fake calculations about major plans that don’t even exist yet is a glaring admission of guilt. They know their tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations will […]

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JCT proves Trump-Republican tax plan increases deficit by $1 trillion with tax cuts for the rich, breaking top promise

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) just concluded that – even according to Republicans’ preferred scoring method – the Senate Republican tax plan would increase the national deficit by $1 trillion in order to cut taxes for the high income earners and corporations.  These unaffordable tax cuts would be made possible by raising taxes on millions of middle class Americans.

At the same time, the Treasury Department study of the tax proposal’s economic effects that Sec. Steve Mnuchin has promised multiple times is still nowhere to be found.

“Congress’s independent tax experts just refuted one of the top promises that Donald Trump and Senate Republicans have made to the American people, proving that their reckless tax plan would explode the deficit by $1 trillion,” said American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates. “This trickle-down sham would sell-out the American middle class with tax increases to allow new breaks for big money donors, […]

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Mnuchin Lies About Raising Middle Class Taxes, Accurately Says Trump Tax Bills “A Huge Boon” To Wall Street

Republicans are tripping over themselves trying to defend the Trump tax bills that raise taxes on middle class and poor families to fund tax cuts for the rich.  Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (pictured here) admitted to Fox News the Trump proposals would be a “huge boon for the financial services industry”  Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (pictured here) admitted to Fox News the Trump proposals would be a “huge boon for the financial services industry” moments after lying about how ending the state and local tax deduction would raise taxes on millions of middle class Americans.

This exchange followed Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch yesterday flat-out admitting that putting more money in peoples’ paychecks was “not what we’re trying to do.”

“Just like with healthcare, Republicans are trying to sell their tax plans by lying to the millions of middle class Americans […]

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NEW VIDEO: The Price is WRONG, Swamp Edition  

To highlight how much taxpayer money has been wasted by Donald Trump’s cabinet on private and military jets, Bridge Project is releasing a new web video, “Trump’s Swamp Battle Royale,” showing Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, EPA Director Scott Pruitt, and now-foremer Health & Human Services Sec. Tom Price competing to see who can spend the most government money on unnecessary private jets.

To watch the new video, click HERE.

“Donald Trump is exploiting the presidency to cut his own taxes – and lying about it – and his cabinet members have been practically racing each other to see who can waste the most taxpayer money using luxurious private jets for junkets around the country,” said American Bridge Communications Director Harrell Kirstein. “This video may make folks laugh, but there’s nothing funny about what the Trump Administration is doing with our tax dollars. This corrupt cabinet is pummeling taxpayers, and Trump […]

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Violating pledge, Donald Trump is trying to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of everyone else

American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement after it was reported that, contradicting assurances made by Donald Trump himself and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s tax reform plan will indeed include a massive tax cut for the wealthiest Americans:

“At the same time that he’s trying to take healthcare from 32 million Americans, Donald Trump is breaking his pledge from just weeks ago and using tax reform not to pursue the creation of good-paying middle class jobs, but to give a windfall to the richest Americans. Trump is a con artist who is hell-bent on further rigging the tax code for the rich at everyone else’s expense.”

Axios: Exclusive: Trump, GOP to cut top rate to 35 percent

Jonathan Swan
President Trump and Republican leaders plan to cut the top tax rate for the wealthiest Americans to 35 percent and dramatically reduce taxes on big and small businesses, according to details […]

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Mnuchin just exposed Trump’s false promise not to cut taxes for the wealthy 

When meeting with the leadership of both parties in Congress regarding tax reform yesterday, Donald Trump assured the American people that his tax reform legislation would not cut taxes for the wealthy, and would instead prioritize the American middle class.

Donald Trump, 9/13/2017: “And, by the way, lower for individuals — much lower than that for individuals.  And the rich will not be gaining at all with this plan.  We’re looking for the middle class, and we’re looking for jobs.”

Fast forward 24 hours though and Trump’s Treasury Secretary is singing a different tune. Just now, when asked about Trump’s claim that tax reform would not benefit the rich, Secretary  Mnuchin flatly contradicted it by revealing that the legislation would still repeal the estate tax – which is only paid by the wealthiest 0.2 percent of all estates.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, 9/14/2017: “And even if we do […]

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Trump Admin Teams Up With Kochs To Sell Tax Cuts For Billionaires

Trump Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin today announced that he plans to campaign with Koch brothers front groups Freedom Partners and Americans for Prosperity to push for the Trump’s upcoming tax “reform” bill that’ll mean massive tax cuts for billionaires like Trump, the Kochs, and Trump’s biggest megadonors, including the Mercer and Adelson families.


Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips: Are you guys really ready to fight for this? […] We want to make sure that you guys are ready to join us on this…

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin: We are so ready. We’ve been ready since January 1.

“Of course the Trump Administration is teaming up with the Koch brothers to sell disproportionate tax cuts for billionaires as a win for working people,” said American Bridge VP Shripal Shah. “Like every other aspect of the Trump presidency, this tax plan is a huge scam. Trump and Republican donors will get […]

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