New Report: “¿Cómo se Dice ‘Koch Brothers Front Group’? ANSWER: LIBRE Initiative” by LVP & Bridge Project

For Immediate Release
April 29, 2016

Pili Tobar | 305-890-3076 |
Dawn Le | 202-549-6798 |


Latino Victory Project and Bridge Project
Release Report
“¿Cómo se Dice ‘Koch Brothers Front Group’?
ANSWER: LIBRE Initiative”
New Report Reveals How The Kochs Mislead Latinos to Pad Their Bottom Line

Washington, DC – Today, Latino Victory Project and Bridge Project released the report “¿Cómo se Dice Koch Brothers Front Group? ANSWER:LIBRE Initiative.”  The report gives an overview of the billionaires’ “Latino” organization, and their deceiving tactics to rally Latinos to advance the Koch brothers’ financial interests–at the expense of Latino families and communities.

“We know the Koch brothers are no friends of the Latino community. Our families won’t be fooled by LIBRE Initiative’s tactics,” said Pili Tobar, Communications Director of Latino Victory Project. “They’re giving away free turkeys and offering English classes–and that’s nice–but it’s not going to convince any Latino voters to change their […]

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NEW REPORT: The Koch Brothers’ Granite State Project

NEW REPORT: The Koch Brothers’ Granite State Project

How The Radical Agenda Of Out Of State Oil Billionaires Has Hurt New Hampshire

Charles and David Koch pour hundreds of millions of dollars into our political system to advance their self-enriching agenda and elect their puppet candidates. At the national, state, and local level, the Kochs use their unlimited resources to influence policy to suit their political and personal needs.

For decades, the Kochs and their network of dark money political front groups have been pushing the Koch agenda in New Hampshire — perhaps more than any other state in the country— which has benefitted billionaires like the Kochs at the expense of Granite Staters.

Today, Bridge Project is releasing a new report, The Koch Brothers’ Granite State Project: How The Radical Agenda Of Out Of State Oil Billionaires Has Hurt New Hampshire, which lays out the scope and […]

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NEW REPORT: Ten Years Later: A Look Back On The Koch Brothers & Hurricane Katrina

As the country marks the ten-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the devastation that came with it, Bridge Project is releasing a report that delves into Koch Industries’ role in the most expensive natural disaster in American history. The report explores how the company both contributed to the damages and took advantage of the situation to increase their profits.

The Koch brothers’ driving philosophy is to put their business interests ahead of everything else — as long as they’re growing their bottom line, nothing, and no one else, matters. Bridge Project’s report entitled, “Ten Years Later: A Look Back On The Koch Brothers & Hurricane Katrina,” looks at how that philosophy compounded the effects of Hurricane Katrina. The report also covers their more recent efforts to push policies that can be detrimental to residents of high risk flood areas.

The report looks at:

The Kochs’ destruction of the wetlands that compounded […]

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Trump Admin Teams Up With Kochs To Sell Tax Cuts For Billionaires

Trump Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin today announced that he plans to campaign with Koch brothers front groups Freedom Partners and Americans for Prosperity to push for the Trump’s upcoming tax “reform” bill that’ll mean massive tax cuts for billionaires like Trump, the Kochs, and Trump’s biggest megadonors, including the Mercer and Adelson families.


Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips: Are you guys really ready to fight for this? […] We want to make sure that you guys are ready to join us on this…

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin: We are so ready. We’ve been ready since January 1.

“Of course the Trump Administration is teaming up with the Koch brothers to sell disproportionate tax cuts for billionaires as a win for working people,” said American Bridge VP Shripal Shah. “Like every other aspect of the Trump presidency, this tax plan is a huge scam. Trump and Republican donors will get […]

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Kochs’ New Soft Ads Don’t Cover Up That They Are Responsible For Trump

The Koch brothers have invested hundreds of millions of dollars to create divisive political front groups, elect anti-working families politicians, and push out more negative political ads than any other political operation in the last six years. Today, in their continuing effort to soften their public image and avoid blame for the polarization in American politics, the Koch brothers announced their “End The Divide” ad campaign.

Below are remarks by Eddie Vale, Vice President of American Bridge:

“Kochs’ new PR blitz about being nicer to each other and solving inequality is as unbelievable as calling someone a textbook racist but still supporting them. Charles and David Koch are responsible for creating this environment that has given rise to Donald Trump in becoming the Republican presidential nominee.”

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NEW REPORT: “The Kochs Spend Tons of Cheddar Badgering America’s Dairyland”

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dawn Le, 202-549-6798,

The Kochs Have Spent At Least $44 Million to Hijack Wisconsin
Bridge Project Releases “The Kochs Spend Tons of Cheddar Badgering America’s Dairyland” about the Koch Brothers’ Corporate Lobbying and Political Front Groups in Their Effort to Maximize Profits

Milwaukee, WI—For the 2016 election cycle, Charles and David Koch have announced they are on track to spend nearly $900 million to elect politicians that would push their self-serving agenda. In Wisconsin, the Koch brothers have spent more than $44 million since 2010, helping to foster the rise of Gov. Scott Walker, Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen. Ron Johnson, and to fund political astroturf groups to carry their water.

“What the Kochs are doing in Wisconsin is emblematic of what they’re doing across the country, all their political efforts and PR shams boil down to self-interest and higher profit shares,” said Eddie Vale, the […]

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New Report: The KOCHstone State

How Koch Brothers Plotted to Takeover Pennsylvania, Benefitted From Budget Standoff

Read the report here:

As top state conservatives gather in Harrisburg today and tomorrow for the Pennsylvania Conservative Leadership Conference, many of the speakers and attendees are featured in the Bridge Project’s new report, “The Kochstone State: How the Koch Brothers’ Growing Influence Is Hurting Pennsylvanians.” The report lays out how the Kochs fostered and orchestrated the current political environment with their copious campaign donations and funding a network of radical political groups to drive their extreme, self-serving agenda.

From the Kochs’ aggressive in-state lobbying to get taxpayer-paid subsidies for Georgia Pacific, to pressuring state leaders to try to block oil and gas regulations, while they enable and supply fracking companies that contaminate Pennsylvania’s air, drinking water, and farmlands, the Koch machine has disrupted health services, threatened school closures, while casting the most vulnerable Pennsylvania residents into […]

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Rubio Cozies Up To The Kochs’ VA Privatization Advocacy Group

Marco Rubio is releasing his plan to partially privatize veterans healthcare today at a West Des Moines town hall event put on by Concerned Veterans for America, Charles and David Kochs’ “veterans advocacy” front group. The event will be all about shoring up Rubio’s “pro-veteran” credentials, but the truth is the Kochs and CVA — leading advocates of privatizing the VA — don’t have veterans’ best interests at heart. Case in point: Almost two-thirds of veterans oppose VA privatization, but that isn’t stopping the billionaire brothers from passing it off as a pro-veteran plan supported by the individuals they claim to represent.

It’s the Kochs we’re talking about, so that should come as no surprise. As revealed in a Bridge Project and VoteVets.Org report, “The Vets Group That Fights Against Veterans,” CVA promotes extreme, right-wing polices that stand in opposition to nearly every other veterans group. From pushing a plan to privatize the VA health […]

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For Immediate Release:
November 20, 2015


In August, Bridge Project conducted six focus groups with swing voters in Iowa, Florida, and Nevada on the billionaire Koch brothers as they gear up to spend nearly $900 million pushing their agenda and backing their puppet candidates in 2016.

The focus groups revealed that to know the Kochs is to dislike them and that voters are turned off by their harmful, self-enriching agenda. It’s clear to voters that when the Kochs spend millions propping up their puppet candidates, the Kochs “expect something in return.”

To read the focus group memo, click here:

“In the eyes of voters, the Kochs’ harmful, self-enriching agenda and the hundreds of millions they spend backing their puppet candidates are strong turnoffs,” said Eddie Vale, Vice President of American Bridge 21st Century. “This research clarifies how Democrats can fight back against […]

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MEMO: One Year Out: Kochs Put Their Anti-Middle Class Agenda & Actions On Center Stage

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Eddie Vale, Vice President of American Bridge 21st Century
RE: One Year Out: Kochs Put Their Anti-Middle Class Agenda & Actions On Center Stage
DATE: November 3, 2015

With a year until Election Day, the billionaire Koch brothers are sitting down for their first-ever joint television interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The Kochs’ step into the pubic limelight, albeit pre-taped from their childhood home and not live and on set, serves as a reminder that if Republicans and the Kochs win in 2016, the middle class loses.

While Republican candidates will spend the next year sucking up to the Kochs to try to get a piece of the nearly $900 million they plan to spend on 2016, they’ll also be forced to defend the Kochs’ anti-middle class actions and agenda that hurt real Americans.

While Morning Joe promises a discussion centering on the role of money in politics, the billionaire Koch brothers are poised to disguise how their […]

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