Sanders Questions: Welcome To Hell Edition

The ladies of Saturday Night Live got it so right this weekend. “Welcome to hell, now we’re all in here…” and perhaps you more than some since you are literally working for a sexual predator and getting paid to lie for him every day. Between the ongoing fallout of President Trump’s endorsement of child molester Roy Moore, to Special Counsel Mueller getting closer to Trump’s finances, to contradicting statements from members of Trump’s legal team and Attorney General Sessions about whether a president can commit obstruction of justice, the White House certainly has its hands full today.

American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to answer the following questions:

1. What is the White House response to court hearings today in Summer Zervos’ defamation lawsuit against President Trump for attacking her over accusations he sexually assaulted her in 2007 while filming The Apprentice?

2. […]

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Three Things To Know About Trump’s Trip To Utah And His National Monuments Executive Order

With the President in Utah this afternoon to reportedly announce plans to shrink two national monuments, American Bridge is responding by shining a bright light on Donald Trump’s true motives. The reality is that the move is designed to appease big oil companies despite opposition by people across Utah, notably the Native Americans to whom the land is sacred.

“The motives behind Donald Trump’s executive order are about one thing: putting more money in the pockets of big oil. Moving forward with this plan at the expense of our environment and the wishes of people across Utah is just the latest display of the President’s reckless priorities,” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah.

Here are three things to know about Trump’s plan:

1) Trump’s Monument Review Was Intended To Free Up Federal Land For Oil Drilling

Donald Trump’s Executive Order forcing a review of national monuments is part of a “ Read more after the jump.

BREAKING: Republican Senator Admits Tax Plan Is Being Rushed To Avoid Scrutiny From The American People and Congress

American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement after Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) admitted on Fox News this morning that Republicans were trying to rush the Trump tax proposal – which was written behind closed doors with thousands of special interest lobbyists – through Congress in order to stop members and the public from raising concerns about its consequences:

“Its stunning that Republicans are so brazenly admitting to using a cynical ploy to avoid public scrutiny of the disastrous Trump-Republican tax plan.  They know exploding the deficit by $1 trillion and raising taxes on 87 million middle class families in order to cut taxes for the rich and corporations sells out hardworking people, so they are intentionally keeping them in the dark.”


DOOCY: What is your biggest concern?

MOORE CAPITO: Well, time is always a problem. I think the more time that goes, the more nitpicking […]

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Report: Trump’s Undermining Of CFPB Has Wall St. Racing To Avoid Consequences For Defrauding Consumers

American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement after it was reported that Donald Trump’s tampering with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) had touched-off a wave of new attempts by the financial industry to evade investigations and penalties for abusive practices that hurt consumers:

“Donald Trump’s economic agenda is a catastrophe for the middle class.  Just as Senate Republicans are on the verge of raising taxes on middle class families while cutting rates for the wealthy and corporations, the financial industry is already trying to take advantage of Trump’s move to gut critical consumer protections against fraud put in place after the 2008 economic crisis. Trump is doubling-down on failed Republican policies that only benefit the 1% and cheating those he pledged to help.”

The CFPB’s enforcement actions have delivered nearly $12 billion in relief for 29 million American consumers. ​

While in Congress, Mulvaney said that the CFPB should not even exist, and called the […]

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Remember Mike Pence’s Role In Flynn Guilty Plea

Amidst the most recent flood of indictments and guilty pleas coming out of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, the American people must remember that Vice President Mike Pence is inextricably entangled in this firestorm.

Here’s how– former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is expected to plead guilty in the Mueller case for lying to the FBI about the nature of his numerous contacts with the Russian Ambassador during the Trump transition. And who was in charge of the Trump transition? Mike Pence.

As Vice President-elect, Mike Pence chaired the Trump transition. American Bridge previously uncovered a document signed by Mike Pence through a Freedom of Information Request explicitly stating he is responsible for contacts made by Trump officials, like Michael Flynn, during the transition period. 

“This morning’s revelation about Michael Flynn is just the tip of the iceberg,” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah. “Michael Flynn acted outside of the law […]

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Shot/Chaser: Trump Directed Mike Flynn To Contact Russia

SHOT: February 16, 2017

White House Press Conference:  Reporter Question:  Did you direct Mike Flynn to discuss the sanctions with the Russian ambassador?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, I didn’t.  No, I didn’t.  [inaudible]

THE PRESIDENT:  Excuse me — no, I fired him because of what he said to Mike Pence, very simple.  Mike was doing his job.  He was calling countries and his counterparts.  So it certainly would have been okay with me if he did it.  I would have directed him to do it if I thought he wasn’t doing it.  I didn’t direct him but I would have directed him because that’s his job. And it came out that way — and, in all fairness, I watched Dr. Charles Krauthammer the other night say he was doing his job.  And I agreed with him.  And since then I’ve watched many other people say that. No, I didn’t direct him, but […]

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Trump: “I Want To Thank Gen. Flynn,” “Great Guy,” “I Love Gen. Flynn” & More

Ahead of the White House’s desperate but inevitable attempts to distance themselves from Donald Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, here is a compilation of Donald Trump heaping praise on the latest person to plead guilty as part of the Trump-Russia scandal.

As more videos are added, view the whole thread 



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American Bridge Statement on Former Trump NSA Flynn Pleading Guilty

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah released the following statement on reports former Trump Administration National Security Advisor Michael Flynn is pleading guilty to lying to the FBI this morning:

“Anyone who has been paying attention to this scandal knows full well that lying to the FBI was likely the least of Michael Flynn’s problems, and legal experts are already suggesting that this means he’s cooperating with the Special Counsel’s investigation. That’s bad news for Donald Trump, and likely explains his increasingly unhinged tweets in recent days.

“The fact remains that this investigation is still in it’s early stages. Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos are just the beginning, but ultimately everyone involved in this criminal conspiracy must be held accountable by the law. That includes the President himself, his family, and members of his inner circle who continue to lie to the public about their ties to Russian officials […]

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Mulvaney STILL Thinks The CFPB Is A “Sick, Sad” “Joke” That Should Not Exist

American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement in reaction to OMB Director Mick Mulvaney doubling down on his belief that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a “joke” that should not exist:

“If Donald Trump’s power-grab goes through and Mulvaney is allowed to be in charge, middle class Americans and working families are almost certain to lose the protections against abusive practices on the part of banks, credit card companies, payday lenders, and other entities that the CFPB was created to provide.  Trump is undermining the Wall Street reforms passed after the 2008 financial crisis and trying to cripple the CFPB from within – all in the name of partisan politics. This would be a major Wall Street win at the expense of millions of American consumers.”

The CFPB’s enforcement actions have delivered nearly $12 billion in relief for 29 million American consumers. ​

While in Congress, Mulvaney said that the […]

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American Bridge Statement on Trump’s Judicial Nominee Gregory Katsas

Today the Senate voted to advance President Trump’s nominee, Gregory Katsas, for the powerful DC Circuit Court. Katsas has advised the President on everything from the ACA’s contraception coverage to the Muslim Ban to the DACA repeal.

Dawn Huckelbridge, director of American Bridge’s Women’s Rights Initiative, stated, “Gregory Katsas’s confirmation would be profoundly dangerous for women. He has argued that Congress – not doctors – can make judgments about risks to women’s health, he is dismissive of a woman’s constitutionally protected rights, and has even opposed access to contraception. This is part of Trump’s fast moving charge to remake the federal judiciary with extreme conservatives who are out of touch with the American people, and Katsas has no place on the DC Circuit Court.”

American Bridge’s Women’s Rights Initiative launched a digital campaign earlier this fall to counter Katsas’s nomination, including a digital ad that outlined how Trump was stacking […]

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