American Bridge Releases Radio Ads on Trump’s Dangerous Ties to Russia

Ads Target Republicans Who Refuse to Support An Independent Investigation

Today, American Bridge 21st Century released radio ads against three vulnerable Republican members of Congress, focusing on Trump’s dangerous ties to Russia.

The 60-second spots will run for the next seven days against Rep. Martha McSally (AZ-02), Rep. John Katko (NY-24), and Rep. Will Hurd (TX-23).

With new revelations in the growing scandal surfacing weekly, the American people deserve the kind of answers that can only come from a truly independent investigation operating free of politics. That’s why Americans overwhelmingly support creating an independent commission to investigate Trump’s ties to Russia. But Republicans in Congress are standing in the way, instead putting their party ahead of the country.

Statement by American Bridge President Jessica Mackler:

“The country overwhelmingly wants an independent commission investigating the growing scandal surrounding Donald Trump’s ties to Russia and we’re going to […]

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New Tax Day Ad Blasts Donald Trump for Selling Out American Families

As millions of American families file their taxes ahead of the annual deadline, a new Bridge Project Tax Day digital ad launched today underlines how Donald Trump’s tax reform agenda would force them to pay more next year.

Trump’s scheme would stick it to working families while providing hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans in new tax breaks,  just like Trumpcare, which would leave 26 million Americans without health insurance in order to fund tax breaks for the rich and health insurance executives.

To watch Bridge Project’s newest ad, “Selling You Out,” click here: LINK

The ad, which will run on social media channels, will be targeted to persuadable Trump voters in key states and districts for 2018, including Sen. Dean Heller, Sen. Jeff Flake, and Rep. Barbara Comstock.

“Donald Trump’s agenda is all about sticking it to working families in order to benefit the wealthiest Americans and his own […]

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New Bridge Project Digital Ad Highlights Trumpcare Consequences to Kick Off Congressional Recess

To kick off congressional recess, Bridge Project is today launching a new digital ad that will highlight the disastrous Trumpcare consequences that Republicans are trying to inflict on the American public in order to to finance tax cuts for the super wealthy.

As Republicans leave Washington for the congressional recess, they will come face to face with Americans alarmed by what Trumpcare would do to them and demanding answers from their members of Congress.

The ad launch comes as Republicans will face constituents who are deeply alarmed about what Trumpcare would mean for them, and who deserve answers from their members of Congress.

Despite a humiliating defeat in March, Republicans are still trying to rip health coverage away from American families with another version of Trumpcare that could become even more dangerous. Polling continuously shows that Trumpcare is extraordinarily unpopular with the American public, and that the Trumpcare debate […]

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Bridge Project Launches New Episode in Web Series Highlighting Connections Between Trump and Russia

Episode Three: Carter Page

Today, Bridge Project is launching the third episode in its new web series that outlines the numerous direct ties between officials in Donald Trump’s inner circle and Russian oligarchs, gangsters, alleged spy-masters, and Vladimir Putin. This week’s episode focuses on Carter Page, Trump’s former foreign policy adviser, who is one of at least 4 former Trump aides under FBI investigation.

This week, a bombshell report revealed that in 2013 Page met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence officer who our government later charged for working covertly as a spy. While on the Trump campaign, Page traveled to Moscow and secretly met with Russian officials close to Vladimir Putin and then lied about meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in July.

“Carter Page’s deep ties to Russia are a crucial piece of the puzzle as the FBI and Congress investigate whether the Trump campaign has been honest about […]

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New Bridge Project Web Ads Target Jeff Flake and Dean Heller on Internet Privacy

Today American Bridge 21st Century announced new web ads holding Sen. Jeff Flake and Sen. Dean Heller accountable for voting to gut FCC privacy rules, putting consumers’ most private information at risk.

The web ads will run this week in Arizona and Nevada, heading into the Senate’s two-week recess.


“Senator Jeff Flake led the charge to overturn FCC rules that kept consumer’s most private information safe,” said American Bridge spokesman Joshua Karp. “Because of Jeff Flake and Dean Heller, who have funded their campaigns with hundreds of thousands of dollars from the telecom industry, are giving their campaign donors permission to sell Americans’ internet history, from financial materials to health information, to the highest bidder. And not only is your online privacy for sale to big corporations — but so is the Republican Senate.”

Read more after the jump.

Bridge Project Launches New Episode in Web Series Highlighting Connections Between Trump and Russia

Episode Two: Paul Manafort

Today, Bridge Project is launching the second episode in its new web series that outlines the numerous direct ties between officials in Donald Trump’s inner circle and Russian oligarchs, gangsters, alleged spy-masters, and Vladimir Putin. This week’s episode focuses on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman who was forced to resign after it was discovered that he may have accepted $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments from the former Ukrainian president.

The video notes that before joining the Trump campaign, Manafort worked for Putin ally Viktor Yanukovych in his successful campaign for President of Ukraine. It also highlights recently revealed text messages where Manafort’s own daughter wrote that she believes he took “blood money” from Russian-aligned officials.

“Paul Manafort is one of the shadiest characters in the Trump orbit and that’s saying a lot.  No one should believe that his countless ties to Russian officials are simply a matter […]

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New Bridge Project Trumpcare Ad Spotlights Trump Breaking His Promises

In advance of the House Trumpcare vote, Bridge Project is releasing a new ​digital ​ad that blasts Donald Trump for violating health care promises he made to the American people on the campaign trail.

This ad, “Was Anything He Said Not a Lie​?​” contrasts the assurances Donald Trump made to voters – that he would deliver better, cheaper health care for “everybody” – with the consensus among independent experts that Trumpcare would take health insurance away from tens of millions of Americans, as well as make health care costs spike for working and middle class families, seniors, and rural Americans.

The ad also highlights that many assessments show Trumpcare would disproportionately harm his own supporters – and shows Trump acknowledging this.

“Trumpcare betrays millions upon millions of vulnerable Americans that Donald Trump pledged he would help. This plan would kick millions off of their coverage – even more so than if Republicans simply repealed […]

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NEW VIDEO: What Did We Learn From Gorsuch Today? (Not Much)

Judge Neil Gorsuch spent most of his first day testifying before the Judiciary Committee hearing by dodging important questions about his judicial philosophy and his stance on Supreme Court precedents. He tied himself in knots trying to hide his far right, pro-corporate record and prevented senators from holding a thorough hearing on his nomination.

The repeated dodges from Gorsuch today leaves us with only his record in private practice and his time as a federal judge to examine. During that time, he overwhelmingly sided with corporations and the wealthy at the expense of working Americans, he prevented women from accessing birth control, and he proved to be a Republican loyalist, leaving the country rightfully questioning if he can serve independently on the Supreme Court.

Gorsuch’s Supreme Court hearings aren’t off to a good start, and senators – and the American public – are rightfully calling his judgment into question.

WATCH American […]

Read more after the jump. Dean Heller Hasn’t Held a Public Meeting With His Constituents in Months

Today, American Bridge 21st Century launched a new website,, holding Dean Heller accountable for running away from his constituents. Heller hasn’t held a public meeting with his constituents since this Congress began — more than 2 months ago — denying them the opportunity to share their views on Trump’s dangerous agenda.

For a second-by-second look at just how long it’s been since lazy Dean Heller had a public meeting with Nevadans, head to

Statement by American Bridge President Jessica Mackler:

“Dean Heller is running from Nevadans, hiding behind closed doors because he knows he can’t defend his reckless record or Trump’s agenda. Heller would have to own up to voting over 20 times to repeal the Affordable are Act and strip insurance from up to 400,000 Nevadans, and admit he refuses to support an independent investigation into Trump’s dangerous ties to Russia. That’s why […]

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Bridge Project Video: Why Gorsuch Is Wrong For the Supreme Court

Bridge Project is today releasing a new video highlighting Neil Gorsuch’s right-wing record and strict adherence to an anti-worker, pro-corporate agenda.

There’s a reason hard-line conservatives and right-wing groups cheered Gorsuch’s nomination: on issues from the environment to women’s healthcare access and workers’ rights, Gorsuch has always stood outside the mainstream, aligning himself with corporate interests and the far-right fringe.

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement:

“Neil Gorsuch is a right-wing ideologue who was hand-picked for the Supreme Court by far-right groups and the corporations and big donors that bankroll them. They want Gorsuch on the Court because he’s consistently elevated corporate concerns over the best interests of everyday Americans — and that’s precisely why Neil Gorsuch cannot be confirmed.”

Watch “Why Gorsuch Is Wrong For the Supreme Court” here:

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